The End-time Revelation
of the
Great Image

of the Book of Daniel:

The exact image

seen in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar

and interpreted by Prophet Daniel

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End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image seen in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar interpreted by Prophet Daniel

The End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image shown to King Nebuchadnezzar and to Prophet Daniel


Now dear Friend, what you are about to witness is the historic moment of truth. To many people oppressed by official beliefs it seemed they could only dream of such liberating evidence of unrestricted control over all time and space of our Loving Omniscient Creator. Today their dream comes true. And it is the very dream shown to king Nebuchadnezzar and interpreted by Prophet Daniel.


For thousands of years prophecy students had been looking forward to it, billions of people have wondered about it and fervently discussed it. But who ever knew that it was programmed to be revealed in the time of our generation and in this exact year(!) by history’s Author? After you watch it with your own eyes, your life cannot be the same. You are going to watch the very moment when the seals from end-time prophecies were to be removed and end-time events irreversibly unleashed.


For now, though, enough of highbrow style. Just learn this information attentively before you see and understand what it means. And then you tell me whether awesome fear and amazement before the works of your Creator is a lofty enough language to express what He is doing for our generation in real time.


The time of the Great Image of Daniel and the origins of questioning it

In accordance with biblical chronology, the Great Image of the Book of Daniel was shown to king Nebuchadnezzar in 603 B.C. in his second year of reign. It accurately describes historical events that took place over subsequent centuries and millennia. Because of this, hundreds of years afterwards, there appeared some funny theorists who began playing science by claiming it might have been given much later. As theories were getting funnier and funnier, the prospects for establishing facts with finality were looking dimmer and dimmer. But who would ever have thought that a day would come when such jokes would be terminated in an instant - once and for all? Certainly, not a single person was able to imagine that the Great Image of the Book of Daniel would protect itself from all fantasies and pseudo-science. And how!


In the 3rd century A.D. someone named Porphyry in the style of modern-day circus science theory jugglers invented a theory that the prophecies of Daniel were “post-dated” i.e. given at a much later date  - his fantasy went no farther than the 2nd century B.C. – because this prophecy describes the rise and fall of world empires with so many details that could only be provided by an Intelligence that is not restricted by the limits of time and can see the end from the beginning. And in the 20th century a real miracle began to happen: all anti-biblical encyclopedias world-wide started quoting this theory as the source of the highest infallible truth, but the words of the Author of prophecies Who showed Daniel the information about future empires as something of lesser worth than the most despicable lies of the most despicable circus science theory jugglers.


You might be wondering: “What’s so miraculous about this situation?” -And how else would you describe the fact that the Great Image of Daniel and biblical end-time prophecies predicted that this would happen? With a countless number of high-precision details as we will learn from the research of The Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible. Even more miraculous is that each detail is not theoretical but of high practical value – needed today, during the very events we are going through.


The objective reality is not affected by fantasies, hunches and pipedreams. Even if they are officially renamed to theories and people are led to believe that this is science

As the end-time revelation of the Great Image of Daniel is now going to establish definitively, this happened for only one reason. The objective reality cannot be affected by any theories based on someone’s sick imagination. The Word of God has always been the Word of God. And demented theories have always been… what? After you watch the evidence, I suggest that you go back, and YOU finish this sentence yourself.


Now, to the very point:

As the research and the discoveries of Serge Dieudonné - described in his series of books The Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible - made evident with all finality, the Great Image from ancient Daniel’s prophecy represents… a magnificent artwork of the Creator of time and space! Surpassing by very far anything human authors can not only create but even picture in their minds.


What made such a momentous discovery possible

Before we start witnessing the miracle of the Great Image – part of a large series of supremely astonishing and sometimes utterly shocking revelations given by the Living God directly to our generation – we need to understand once and for all what made the discovery possible. Learning to apply this principle in practice allows a person to receive the wisdom taught us by every single discovery in the superconcentrated form: The Word of the Almighty Omniscient God represents the Word of the Almighty Omniscient God – whether a person is able to understand it or not. That’s the only way to treat it to witness its countless superhuman properties and to receive the sublime blessings they offer us.


In the beginning of the research we identify and consolidate biblical unchangeable rules for interpreting God’s Word – as given us by God Himself. In the pure form – bypassing all theories and controversies. They immediately - and all throughout the vast research - start demonstrating the magnificent phenomenon in action: when we fully rely upon the information provided by the Supreme Intelligence of God, we discover and observe the superintelligent works of God.


The biblical rules let us identify preliminary instructions for interpretation of Daniel’s prophecy. As soon as we apply these instructions in practice, we start witnessing the phenomenon completely new to the world – not described in any science book nor imagined by any fiction author:


Biblical end-time prophecies represent a highly sophisticated, stable and unified system of Visual Codes that were programmed to be discovered IN OUR TIME and converted into a series of images.

From now on, the fulfillment of biblical end-time prophecies can not only be read about but seen by the entire planet IN ADVANCE as a breathtaking artwork of the Supreme Intelligence of the Creator of time and space. But the most amazing and alerting(!) fact of all is that YOU and I living today are part of His artwork and it is for our generation to witness the final fulfillment of the prophecies shown us by the Bible’s Visual Codes.


We decode and see multiple Visual Codes - each connected with the present time and teaching us invaluable lessons kept specifically for our generation of the time of the end. We make discoveries and SEE the results more fantastic than this word so far has implied. Because we are dealing with the fantasy of the Designer of the human brain and of our history. These discoveries, when combined into a unified noncontradictory superhuman system, bring us to the revelation of the Great Image which later amazes us further by still more majestic artwork by the same Author of the Bible and history.


The most unusual opportunity of all time given us right here and now

In our books we discover and verify – beyond a shadow of a doubt - that the empires of the Great Image represent… cosmic pieces of an astronomic-sized puzzle that can be assembled together only when you leave the time domain and the planet earth altogether! Whose prerogatives are these? There is only one Being in the universe and in history possessing them: their Creator. Do you know any other? But now, near the completion of the history of the human government demonstrated by the Great Image, the Author of the Bible gives us the most unusual opportunity of all time. The Living God opens to humanity the possibility to follow in real time the dream shown to Nebuchadnezzar and explained to Daniel. And do you know what kind of information He prepared for us? In His fatherly love and care for humanity He allows us to see WHAT THE MOST HIGH GOD SEES FROM ETERNITY. In order to cure from all sorts of delusions those who deprive themselves of the greatest blessings that their Loving Creator is eager to generously lavish on them. And to protect them from the greatest danger.


This knowledge is given us at the moment when the aberration of mind of many people is reaching the maximum point. Before this wonderful revelation, what did so many people exchange these priceless blessings for? -All of them deprived themselves of the best things in the world and in eternity for the sake of some non-existent idols. But if we consider what so many people of the West did, it is their folly that looks most grotesque and unbelievable: they actually exchanged everything – all freedom and hope in their precious lives and their eternal souls - for literal Nothing! Because “nothing becoming everything” is the government-approved “scientific” definition of the official religious deception of the West as given by many honored impostors themselves. It takes a thorough study of the discoveries of the Visual Codes of the Bible and the deciphering of the visual codes of Satan - made possible by the biblical method of Scripture interpretation - to begin to deeper understand another highly practical piece of wisdom: the final objective of Satan and satanists is to literally TAKE from us EVERYTHING in exchange for NOTHING.


Fortunately for so many poor victims of the deception, who were losing everything to it, today the Living God Who revealed Himself in the Bible is giving us the cure, help and protection more powerful than anybody could even dream about.


Could you imagine that this would ever happen, and that this would happen in the lifetime of the present generation?


What we are about to see is the very Great Image seen by king Nebuchadnezzar 2623 years ago and then shown by God to the Hebrew captive boy Daniel. (It is to this ancient boy that some deluded minds ascribed the authorship of this image. Soon, you are not going to believe that some people can come to such an aberration of mind.)


A totally outside the box and at the same time the most natural solution of all

This is yet another manifestation of the mentality of God that quickly comes to the fore. We are going to witness it as we discover the Great Image and all throughout the research of the Visual Codes: unprecedented, outside the box solutions that, at the same time, are in literal conformity with the Bible and as a result with all scientific knowledge.


How to begin to marvel at the Great Image of Daniel right here and now

As we adhere to the instructions of the prophecy’s Author word-for-word and letter-for-letter, we do the most obvious thing which, nevertheless, could not occur to people who tried to interpret this prophecy “allegorically” – by using their fantasy instead of precise instructions of God.


For the first time in history we do what has always been before peoples’ eyes

What is it we do? -We assemble the Great Image from… the maps of those very empires! This remedy prepared for us by God is so superintelligent that it takes everything into account.


The very instructions for deciphering and assembling the Great Image of Daniel are already a precious life-transforming gift of God

The very instructions for assembling this image are already as precious as the revelation of this image and multiple discoveries of the Visual Codes themselves: they irrevocably show the world how the Word of its Creator must be treated. This is a priceless piece of valuable information that everybody can benefit from right away – even before we witness ALL the marvels of the discoveries of the Visual Codes.


When the Living God gives a revelation, no enemies of sanity can oppose a single fact to it. Only more downright lies, fierce insults and distraction from the revelation

This end-time revelation of the Living God deals such a lethal blow to the official imposture of the secular religion  - on which the entire modern secular power is based as we will learn - that the agents of the state religion must get convulsively hysterical attacking it. Otherwise, too many people would be set free from the imposture and the top impostors would lose the legitimacy of their power. In accordance with the fixed rules of the religion of Satan-worship practiced by the owners of the secular belief system and following their sanity-destruction techniques, they must viciously insult it and forcefully impose the direct opposite of the objective reality:


- “Antiscientific” – because it is not simply in harmony with modern science, it is thousands of years ahead of it.


- “Religious” – because it exposes as never before the profoundly occult religious insanity of the false belief system on which the entire modern secular power is based. For the secular power, the secular religion – 70 years after introduction renamed to “evolution” - is the raison d'être (reason for being). No secular religion, no secular power. No perpetual global crimes.


- “Stupid” – because it makes evident for the entire planet such supreme intelligence of the Creator of our time and space that all human technologies combined – from the beginning of time to its end – will never be able to even come close to it.


But even the most fanatical and malevolent “critics” of reason and sanity – employed to sustain the official religious delusion of the West - cannot claim that we made this image up, unless they want to be immediately identified as inveterate liars.


Because word-for-word means just that: word-for-word. No leeway for forgery or human fantasy is left. And there is no such power or knowledge on our planet that could create a second image like that respecting all the biblical conditions demonstrated in the books.  (Even respecting half of them would be as impossible.)


The wondrous phenomenon connecting us with the objective reality

As we assemble the maps together, we are faced with the wondrous phenomenon that teaches us another precious and highly practical lesson: they graphically – bypassing all boring dissertations - demonstrate how following the instructions and the wisdom of the Creator connects us with the objective reality. And how the rejection of His wisdom separates us from it. These maps have several versions. That is why the Author of prophecies did not fail to provide precise instructions for selecting the right map. There is no such thing that God does not take into account as we are going to witness over and over again.


Adherence to these instructions produces the effect of bringing the image into a focus. The closer we follow them, the sharper picture we get. And the larger number of confirming details acting as a superintelligent mechanism of protection of God’s works from any forgery by men we identify. And vice versa. The farther we depart from the instructions, the less precise the image is, and the more valuable details are lost.


Some of the astonishing mechanisms of protection of the Great Image from all forgery by men

Among the absolutely astonishing mechanisms of protection of this image acting as the signature of God - that we decode and see - are the following:


- Each of its elements acts as a superintelligent and miraculous Visual Code itself – in complete match with the biblical information.


- Every Visual Code conveys visual, historical, prophetic information in multiple dimensions of meaning and on several levels.


- It reveals prophecies, fulfilled in history, not described in any book yet.


- The Great Image of Daniel sends messages separately and in combination with a greater composite image and with all other Visual Codes.


- It contains scientific foreknowledge. (The author of the discovery is convinced that after witnessing it, even some of the professional impostors sustaining the official belief system will come to repentance and be reconciled with their Creator.)


- It is integrated with every part of every other Visual Code as well as with the entire system of end-time prophecies of the Bible.


All Visual Codes separately and combined fulfill the cosmic challenge announced in the first book:

“If an idea really comes from the Creator of the human brain and the universe, then it must work in 100% of cases without a single stretch or contradiction to His Word, history and science. Otherwise, it’s worth nothing and is to be forgotten like a bad dream.”


How does it work? -The author of the discovery abides by the rule of 1Th 5:21 and tests all things. However, when we cite secular sources, for example, an error can potentially creep in as this is human intelligence, right? But when our conclusions are based directly on the Bible and its Visual Codes interpreted according to God’s rules, the result is entirely different. We will always and everywhere observe this property of divine Intelligence - absolute conformity of God’s Word with God’s works - the Creation. That’s why the professional agents of the secular religion from whose methods of deception our books offer the Reader some unique protection, will try to spin facts and present it as the error of the Bible. (In case they succeed in finding some contradiction of the information we may cite with real science. But the “theoretical” junk science they promote doesn’t count, of course, as it is one gross contradiction to any idea of scientific research, sanity and common sense. If they ever find any minor contradiction – in the opinions cited, never in the Bible - they will use it for one purpose only: to force the biggest contradiction with science the world has ever known. If they don’t find one, they will be constrained to make it up. That’s what they are paid for.)


The end-time information bomb

It is for the Reader to witness how marvelously this cosmic challenge is overcome by the Author of the cosmic Visual Codes of the Bible. Not only the system of the Visual Codes in general and the Great Image in particular is in agreement with biblical, historical and scientific knowledge, it produces the effect of a real end-time information bomb:


-- It makes us realize that the decipher key to biblical end time prophecies has finally been found. It was irrevocably released to the world by the prophecies’ Author.


-- All end time prophecies start unraveling before our eyes one after another. This information is so plentiful, and its importance is so high, that a whole series of books was necessary to communicate it to Readers.


-- Every smallest detailed revealed by each of the numerous Visual Codes is in absolute harmony with every detailed decoded from every other Visual Code.


-- The Visual Codes and the Great Image explain the present-day political events on the global scale and warn us about their development in the near future.


-- To make amazement at them greater still, we consistently observe that their predictions are already being fulfilled. This takes the authority and the urgency of their messages to an even higher level.


-- They explain to us history as seen by its Author. And this history features the highest degree of internal cohesion as well as harmony with all the verified historical and scientific information. (If we simply discard the subservient to politicians junk science - only producing insane extremely harmful “theories” of no practical utility - then it is in 100% agreement with real science and ahead of it.)


As this is the final version of history, shown us near the end of the history of the human government, history’s Author prepared another major world-wide shock for everyone.


It is so great that it is equivalent to the discovery of the Visual Codes and to the end-time revelation of the Great Image: the Visual Codes of the Bible demonstrate to us that our historical data are encoded by the Creator in… chemical elements! It takes a galactic-sized fantasy to come up with such an idea. But to implement it… That’s the prerogative of only one Author - of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel, of end-time prophecies and of the entire history. This is the only reason why our history fulfills every tiniest prediction recorded in the Bible with the accuracy of execution of an error-free algorithm. The Visual Codes of the Bible bring the world the final and irrevocable evidence of this.


And when in Book I part 1 we carry out a statistical experiment, its extraordinary results continue to overturn the media-imposed stereotypes of the Bible that we may have.


Let us see for ourselves what happens when we find the courage to put our trust not in the lying words of politicians and their tamed anti-science but in the words of the Holy God that are awesome in their truth and perfection

Now let us verify ourselves whether sane reasonable people should base their entire lives and eternal destiny on fantasies of ancient “critics” like Porphyry forced on us by the political elite, or in the words of the Living God that demonstrate to us the phenomenon of multidimensional absolute truth. Hold on tight, as He is going to perform right in front of us such a miracle that it would make all ancient enemies of God immediately repent of their insanity in sackcloth and ashes, give glory to the Omniscient Creator and be ashamed to even think that they could ever oppose their futile “theories” to this supreme knowledge and power!


Blueprint of the Great Image encoded in the Bible

Let us assemble the biblically correct versions of maps. Here I show you the result of the research on decoding of the Great Image. All other versions and the magic effect of bringing the image into a focus are demonstrated in the books along with numerous other Visual Codes.


We’ll follow the biblical prophetic description word-for-word and see what this gives us. We are going to cite only the short version of Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image because it has already been decoded. In the books we study almost every word from this prophecy of Daniel and from a number of other end-time prophecies. That is why the research shows us the phenomenon whose name the world is, probably, also to hear for the first time in history as it was not until the discovery of the Visual Codes that it was made fully evident and visible to us: the multidimensional truth of every word of the Author of the Bible. Each tiny bit of the prophetic description is fulfilled literally, on several levels, in multiple dimensions of meaning and in some cases of visual information and brings us a wealth of precious knowledge. Unless otherwise indicated, we cite Scriptures from the King James Version of the Bible.


The image’s brightness is excellent and its form terrible

Dan 2:31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.


Notice, that the word “was” - given in grey - was added by KJV translators for clarity but is not part of the original text. The participle qum translated as “stood” “represents continual, durative, linear, uninterrupted action. It denotes an "unbroken aspect."… The participle is atemporal” (from Wheeler's Hebrew Syntax Notes, Copyright © 1988-2006 by Rev. Prof. Dale M. Wheeler, Ph.D.).


The Great Image of the Book of Daniel DOES NOT BELONG ONLY TO THE PAST

A more literal translation (verified e.g., with Young’s Literal Translation) would be as follows: “This great image, whose brightness excellent, standing before thee; and the form thereof terrible.” It is not by accident that the grammatical forms give us indications that this image does not belong to the past. This is, perhaps, the smallest indication but it is an integral part of a cosmic design. Only this kind of approach will allow us to observe the unprecedented miracles encoded in the Scriptures. Those who try to interpret them “allegorically” by using fantasy instead of putting together every detail, will never-ever be able to discover their superhuman properties as this approach is incompatible with the design of the Scriptures’ Author.


And here’s the first immediate demonstration of how this approach to the Word of God makes the multidimensional meaning of its every definition evident. Shortly, we are going to see that the prediction of its “terrible” look is fulfilled literally and at least three times in accordance with the principle of multidimensional truth of God demonstrated in ALL of His Visual Codes without exception:


- it is literally scary - which applies exactly to its form as the prophecy warns us.


- It is all the more fear-inspiring when you think of the material it is made of and of the power and knowledge necessary to shape this material into the image that we are literally going to “behold” as was intended by the prophecy – not just read about it. And exactly in our time of the end when it was to be revealed.


- It is ultimately terrible when you see its final version, hear its message and understand how close to us it is.

But how horrible will it be when you realize that for millions of deluded people all hope for protection against the wrath of the Living God Who created this image is based on LITERAL NOTHING of the secular religion/evolution or some other type of idol?!


Dan 2:32 This image’s head was of fine gold


As we decode this image’s details we can’t help being astonished again and again at the design of God: with the seeming subjectivity of the shape of images, each of them is selected with such supernatural accuracy that none of them can be arbitrarily replaced with another. Even more inconceivable is how every image can contain a countless number of confirming very specific(!) details. Here we can mention only a fraction of them. The details and the information communicated by the Visual Codes are so ample that a whole series of books was necessary to describe them.


All Visual Codes and all messages of God strictly serve His purposes fixed in the Bible

Still more importantly, all the images are selected in accordance with God’s rule stated in Daniel 12:10: the wise will understand them in advance, the wicked only when their destruction comes.


It defies imagination how they can also realize this principle stated in the last chapter of the Book of Daniel referring directly to the time of the end as stated in v.9:

Dan 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.


The discoveries let the wise get wiser and the insane fall deeper into their wicked insanity. If the Visual Codes violated this principle, they would run counter to the purposes of God.


Testing all things and seeing powerful evidence vs. blind beliefs and fear of nonconformity

Every word in the Bible has a definition. One of the many biblical characteristics of those who are wise in the eyes of God is that they test all things. According to the New Testament rule of 1Th 5:21, the wise accept spiritually important things only after thorough testing. That’s what allows them to tap into the inexhaustible wisdom of God and receive from Him protection, knowledge, justification and salvation that He offers to all people who live by His rules. By contrast, one of the biblical attributes of the “wicked” is those who do not test all things as they have no desire to seek the truth nor the willpower to receive the liberation from lies that are the default condition of all people  who do not know their Creator. They uncritically accept on blind faith any lie that their rulers impose on them – for fear of nonconformity. Their religion entirely depends on what those whom they fear more than the Loving God decide they must worship and sacrifice to. If they live e.g., in some Hindu communities, they will worship monkeys and bring them the sacrifices of flowers and bananas. But if they live, for example, in the countries of the Western culture, tell me, what kind of religion will their rulers force on them? And what do so many biblically ignorant people who worship and glorify the very same monkeys as their totem ancestors sacrifice to them? Certainly, it is not flowers and bananas. They bring multi-million human sacrifices to them WHENEVER the owners of their belief system decide. But the obligatory sacrifice that ALL of them ALWAYS bring to those imaginable monkey ancestors is their freedom, entire life and eternal destiny.


It is in our days that their insanity – as prophesied in the Bible – is to break all records.


Preparations for the multibillion human sacrifice to monkey ancestors

As usual, the unfortunate worshippers of monkey ancestors don’t know it yet (since they don't study end-time prophecies), but the owners of their religion are already very busy preparing to bring history’s first MULTIBILLION human sacrifice. They do this while their dupes are watching the media controlled by them discussing which of the satanists or their puppets would  protect them better. In those media everything is calculated to produce with the dupes the impression that there are no consequences to relinquishing total control over their lives and countries to ferocious occultists. And when sane people try to bring the victims of the media to reason by showing them prophecies that have always been fulfilled throughout history, most of the dupes react just as the media had preprogrammed them. They think that the Eternal God Who predicted all the tricks of His enemies in His Word thousands of years before their birth must be joking declaring that Satan is the prince of the world. And the predicted end-time miracles of deception performed by Satan and his worshippers in high places can be understood “allegorically.” In doing so they immediately demonstrate the predicted miracles of satanic deception in action.


While those who willingly choose to love lies and be destroyed by them are watching the occultist-controlled media, God is revealing to the world the plans of ferocious satanists and their methods - to protect from them and save everyone who has the willpower to seek liberation from slavery.


Nations that allowed ferocious satanists to deceive them into bringing multi-million human sacrifices will as easily be deceived into bringing multi-billion human sacrifices

How do high-ranking satanists succeed in perpetrating such mega-atrocities in full sight of the planet? -Now I would like for the Reader to be able to tell it to me. Can you give me the answer to the very simple question: What does it take for an ultra-rich satanist who controls your MONEY that controls your GOVERNMENT that controls your MEDIA that control the BELIEF SYSTEM of biblically ignorant people that controls their EVERY THOUGHT AND ACTION to unleash yet another war?


The scenario is so basic and has been repeated so many times that even a monkey would be able to learn the trick. But not its worshippers. It’s as elementary as making a believer in monkey ancestors believe that the government run by ultra-rich satanists (who own the belief in monkey ancestors) wants to “protect” the dupes from a crisis. Do you think I’m making this up? -Talk to any believer in monkey ancestors and verify for yourself. I know, this sounds absurd and incredible, but the fact remains: they DO believe – hook, line and sinker - that the government wants to… PROTECT THEM! I’m not kidding!! The government that officially turns them into animals, steals from them the remaining gleam of freedom in this life and ALL hope to escape suffering and receive peace in eternity, torments them with non-stop orchestrated wars and artificially created crises where lasting peace and prosperity could be established a long time ago… Poor creatures! Once they believed in the biggest lie in the universe – that the universe was created and is continuously sustained by Unintelligent Nothing in place of the Omniscient Creator, there remains no more such lie that they will not believe when the owners of their belief system press the right button. Every other lie will have smaller dimensions because it is found inside of this one.


Do you see how ridiculously primitive the trick is? The rest is as easy as ABC:


- A. create the right crisis (already created),


- B. in the right place (precisely where the Bible indicated as the research demonstrates to us),


- C. start global hysteria in the monkey-worshipping artificial media reality crying to governments for “protection.” (And “criticizing” them for not “protecting” enough – that’s the funniest part of satanists’ humor.) Have you heard lately about some global crisis? As luck would have it, it happened precisely during the time indicated by the Visual Codes and in connection with the prophetic events announced by them – so finally that not one bit can be modified in this system - neither by the author of the discovery nor by any man on earth - without rewriting the whole Bible and our entire history. Some of the stunning evidence of how final and unchangeable this system is we are going to watch right on this page.


Yet I hasten to tell you this is NOT THAT KIND OF GLOBAL CRISIS. Just its tiny little rehearsal. And distraction from major end-time prophecy fulfillment taking place right this year, right in front of our eyes. Even prophecy students – including the author of these books before the discovery was made – would not be able to identify some of the events that they expected and talked about for a long time. Because the decipher key to biblical end-time prophecies turned out to have the form and the properties that no human mind in history could ever conceive – visual. Every solution to millennia-old mysteries unraveled to us by the Visual Codes is simultaneously in 100% harmony with the Bible and totally outside the box from the point of view of human expectations. That’s what always happens when we discover a design developed by the Designer of the human mind and of our history.


It unlocks the meaning of historical events and shows them to us - immediately bringing the entire system of end-time prophecies and the entire human history that fulfills them into one perfectly coherent and transparent whole. The design of God graphically demonstrates to us what Scriptures have been telling us all along in the lofty timeless language of truth: our history represents error-free execution of the divine algorithm encoded in the Bible. The algorithm is the supremely good plan of God programmed to come to its completion in the lifetime of our generation.


One variable that affects eternity

In this divine algorithm there is one awesome variable though, whose value God has given us the majestic freedom to define ourselves. A person can choose whether to trust the multidimensional truth of God or the multidimensional lies of Satan and high-ranking satanists. Everything else and the final outcome is determined by the rules of the system they have chosen.


The magic effect of transformation from a vague impression to rock-solid assurance of the only possible correct interpretation per our planet and history

That’s why we are going to witness how these images produce the magic effect of a transformation. This is one of the countless miraculous attributes of Bible’s Visual Codes. The transformation from a vague impression to a fact that received powerful confirmation and then to rock-solid assurance that we have found the only possible interpretation - in all history and universe – that correctly decodes the design of the prophecies’ Author. Like everything else in the divine artwork, this principle developed by God is truly inimitable as it corresponds to His purposes: to SEPARATE FOREVER those who want to remain in their insanity and be destroyed from people who recognize the unique signature of their Creator and receive protection and salvation from Him.


These images act as a preliminary quick filter: their visual aspect points to the object that the wise of Daniel 12:10 will identify and start testing. But as soon as we select the object intended in prophecies and start testing it, we get a list of confirmations that are not simply powerful but overpowering. From that moment on, they will match the entire system of end-time prophecies, all historical, scientific, political data, explain to us the past, the current events and predict the ones that are still ahead of us.


As soon as you learn to distinguish between insane “theories” and solid facts, this will immediately start protecting you from a huge amount of lies and errors

Just never forget for one second this globally visible rule: biblical information can only contradict insane beliefs cynically renamed to theories – like the obsessive belief that despite all evidence to the contrary, somewhen and somewhere there existed some “evolution.” But all facts of all sciences are the visible manifestation of the intelligence of the Creator encoded in all matter. Facts of the superintelligent Creation never contradict the superintelligent Word of the same Creator. That is the reason why we are witnessing this perfect harmony between God’s Visual Codes, His prophecies containing them and His Creation. How can there be the slightest contradiction between them if this is the only objective reality there exists in the universe? All that opposes itself to the objective reality is demented beliefs - renamed to “theories” - inside of darkened heads. Nothing else. Do you FULLY realize how ridiculous this "opposition" is?


An evolution troll’s drunk pipedream: to find just one fact of “evolution”

If anyone from the swarms of agents spreading the deadly virus of the official religion could find just ONE miserable EXAMPLE (not a “theory” - yuck!) of increase of information without an intelligent organizing force dreamed as “evolution” ANYWHERE in the universe and put it to practical use, they wouldn’t have to do their dirty job of deception anymore. They would quickly become the world’s richest person and it is those satanists they are trolling for who would become their boot wipers. Yet, this is just an evolution troll’s drunk pipedream that never comes true. Discard it.


In the objective reality controlled by the Omniscient Creator in which you and I live, ALL physical processes unfold strictly in the opposite direction of the official religious delusion. ONLY according to His rules. (Because forceful imposition of beliefs in the direct opposite of the teachings of the Bible, of the laws of science and of common sense is the unchangeable signature of the worshippers of Satan.) But when we see the full power of the first cosmic composite Visual Code – the Great Image - it is then that many people will be able to completely realize why God emphasized that this image is “terrible.” How terrible will it be for many deluded people trying to hide behind their nonexistent idols to see the miracles of the Great Image created by the Living God:


– acting as a motion picture,


- showing us a third episode taking place right now,


- getting multi-dimensional,


- perfectly matching the information encoded in chemical elements (sensational and sobering by itself),


- and that all this unthinkable complexity is also superinformative having high practical value for us living today?


When a person seriously reflects for just one minute on what awesome power is opposed by insane beliefs - whatever their names - based on absolute nothing, then another dimension of meaning of the word terrible begins to crystallize: bottomless TERRIBLE INSANITY of vulnerable, mortal men who thought they could “fight” their Omnipotent Creator!


Biblical unambiguous interpretation of the head of gold

Here is the explicit biblical interpretation of the meaning of the head of gold:


Dan 2:36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.

Dan 2:37 Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.

Dan 2:38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.


As the research has demonstrated so graphically, every tiniest detail in end-time prophecies in general, and in the prophecy of the Great Image in particular, is of paramount importance. Ignoring just one detail will make it impossible to fully decode the prophecy. Only following God’s indications word-for-word and letter-for-letter reveals His design. Everything counts – the time at which the snapshot of the Babylonian empire is taken, the position, proportions and many other details described in the research. Here we show you some of the results.


Understanding the exact biblical meaning of Great Image

In order for us to appreciate the unmatched artwork of the Creator to the maximum and to learn its timely lessons of inestimable worth, we should get a crystal-clear understanding of what the Bible means by the word image speaking of the Great Image of Daniel. The most authoritative dictionaries of biblical languages give us explanations about the meaning of this word in the original Chaldean dialect of Aramaic (kin to Hebrew) in which chapter 2 of Daniel is written:


tselem Strong’s #H6755:

“(Chaldee); corresponding to [Hebrew cognate] H6754; an idolatrous figure: - form, image” (Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries).

The meaning of the corresponding Hebrew word tselem (Strong’s #H6754):

“From an unused root meaning to shade; a phantom, that is, (figuratively) illusion, resemblance; hence a representative figure, especially an idol: - image, vain shew [show]” (Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries).


tselem Strong's #H6754:

“1) image; 1a) images (of tumours, mice, heathen gods); 1b) image, likeness (of resemblance); 1c) mere, empty, image, semblance (figuratively)” (Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Hebrew Definitions).


Thus, combined with its description given in the prophecy, these definitions tell us that we should see an image having resemblance to an idolatrous human-like figure, but not a living person – a “phantom, representative figure, idol, semblance, vain show.”


Yet the facts that it is human-like and that it is not alive are already of paramount importance for us living today. This is the best possible description of the modern-day human government that anyone can give. And these are its main characteristics known world-wide:


- It replaces the authority of God with the futile authority of man.


- It exploits to the full the idea of some “man” being the source of all rules which makes infinitely credulous victims of this deception trick naively believe that the rulers are talking about them. Yet when secular politicians and high-ranking religious leaders (read politicians) operate with the notion of “man” being the source of all rules, they always mean themselves. But their subjects are officially and openly assigned a completely different status: human animals. You can find this term everywhere in the official secular press and in the pseudo-scientific writings of the subservient to politicians “science.” At the same time, have you ever heard in the official language such terms as “animal president” or “animal religious leader” or even “animal promoter of the belief in evolution?”


- On the basis of the discoveries of the Visual Codes of God and the deciphering of the visual codes of Satan, in our research we reiterate that those forces who control today the global politics and the false belief systems – which make these politics possible - can be called human beings only with reservations. They serve as ideal illustration of the definition of the biblical word tselem translated in KJV as image: “mere, empty, image, semblance” (BDB Hebrew Definitions). They only have external likeness to human beings but no human qualities such as mercy or compassion on anyone whatsoever. It is because of their all-time cruelest deception destroying billions of lives and billions of souls that anyone has to prove the eternal proven fact: God created the heaven and the earth. It is because of their power based on the deception personified by the Great Image - as the Visual Codes tell us - that people are so amazed at this discovery. As if it had never been announced in the Bible. Without the globalist-controlled anti-logic, every person in the world would know: if the Almighty Creator Who sustains our lives every second tells us that in the time of the end the mysteries of end-time prophecies must be revealed, they must be revealed. Who can oppose Him – nonexistent evolutionary nothing?


Let us open the image of the Babylonian empire - specifically under Nebuchadnezzar, at a biblically specified moment - and see if God had a point encoding it as head. Keep in mind this is a CODE for the object that can be SEEN. Not a real head. Yet understanding the visual meaning of a code immediately unlocks access to the overwhelming amount of very specific information encoded by these codes separately and combined. That’s why the discovery is called Visual Codes. They act like human visual codes – signs – that serve as recognizable representation of objects, not their perfect depiction. But created using superhuman technologies, possessing superhuman properties and supercharged with knowledge coming from the Supreme Intelligence in the universe.


And when we compare the characteristics of God’s Visual Codes with human visual codes, we will be astonished again by the superiority of divine codes over human ones according to all criteria – including the visual aspect and the amount of information they communicate.


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Do you see how amazingly it resembles the head of an idol with Babylonian headgear? To appreciate this resemblance deeper compare it with the head on the famous representation of the Great Image by an artist. Pay attention: of all possible types of headgear it resembles specifically Babylonian headgear. We compared it with that of other empires from the prophecy - with Persian, Greek, Roman headgear – they don’t fit even with the biggest stretch of imagination. God has thoroughly protected His artwork on all possible levels, including visual. But when you follow God's visual instructions in their totality, it is their prophetic impeccable accuracy that strikes you most.


Some of the other extremely important moments of the Great Image:

- ALL maps are used strictly on the same scale. If their size had to be changed according to a man’s fantasy, this would not be the artwork of the Almighty Creator. No fantasy must be involved in decoding God’s design and interpreting His Word. Only unswerving adherence to His instructions. This is the #1 lesson of all the Visual Codes.


- The position of maps is strictly biblically defined. We identify all the exact instructions for assembling this image in the books, particularly in Book I, part 1.


Let us read the further instructions (in the short form) from Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image:

Dan 2:32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,

Dan 2:33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.


Here’s how God Himself interprets this image as a series of empires:

Dan 2:39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

Dan 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.


The second and the third kingdoms are explicitly interpreted in the Book of Daniel (chapter 8) as the Medo-Persian empire and the Greek empire respectively. (It is because of this ideal match of the predictions with the historical data that some deeply religious believers in all sorts of nonexistent idols in place of the Living God invented their deranged “theories” to explain this match away.) Yet The Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible puts a period to all futile “controversies” and silences all deranged “theories” by showing the world the ultimate version of history – as given by history’s Author.


That the fourth kingdom represents the Romain Empire was discovered and established long before the birth of the great-grandparents of the discovery’s author. However, we test this interpretation most thoroughly too. And what we discover astonishes the Reader by itself. The Visual Codes demonstrate to us how researching the biblical information for the fourth empire alone – according to God’s rules! - brings us discoveries in multiple domains: prophetic, historical, scientific, political and others still.


Now let us look at these maps too – selected according to biblical criteria.


1. Medo-Persian empire. 2. Greek Empire of Alexander the Great. 3. Roman Empire.

Now all we have to do is assemble these maps in the order indicated in the Bible according to multiple unchangeable prophetic indications. Yet pay attention to the starting instruction: the second kingdom must be INFERIOR to the first one (Dan 2:39).


God’s method of interpretation of His Word represents seeking the will of the Author of Scriptures according to His indications

When we follow His indications word-for-word, we suddenly discover that this parameter has multidimensional meaning too. The second empire is literally inferior visually – as part of the Great Image - and in the prophetic sense. Of which the research brings us various astounding demonstrations.


Another crucial moment to keep in mind: maps of the empires must be used at their full extent at the specified period and in combination with other biblical indications studied in the books.


If the Bible were the word of some ancient shepherds who had no way of correctly mapping even their own kingdoms – leave alone those of the very remote future – then tell me, what are we all supposed to witness the following moment? Some shapeless blob having as many statistical chances to demonstrate ALL the biblical features and parameters as there are for one living cell to be formed out of nothing without an intelligent organizing force: ABSOLUTE HOPELESS ZERO. Right?


The realization of the Great Image with all the Visual Codes is as impossible for ancient shepherds as for all modern scientists taken together

Because the biblical criteria and their number are not at all for the level of intelligence of ancient shepherds. They are so unreachable for human intelligence that it makes no difference whatsoever whether we consider the knowledge of ancient people or of all modern scientists combined.


Let us recapitulate their main points to appreciate deeper the miracle that the Living God kept for you and me living today:


Humanity has no book other than the Word of God containing the specifications of the Great Image of Daniel

- The Great Image must be in 100% conformity with the description found in the Bible. And ONLY in the Bible. There is no other book in all history on the entire planet of earth containing the description and the specifications of the Great Image.


Multiple unrepeatable visual elements protecting from counterfeiting

- The Great Image must contain multiple unique visual elements precluding it from any arbitrary interpretation. (Here we can describe just a fraction of the elements identified by the research but even that fraction is already more than enough to unmistakably establish the authorship of the image.)


A great number of prophetic elements making imitation impossible in principle

- The Great Image of Daniel must also contain such prophetic elements – in unbreakable unity with visual, biblical and all other elements – that when we learn all of them, it will make evident that the very thought of trying to develop a second image like this would be frightening by its insanity.


Parts of the Great Image act as Visual Codes themselves

- Its elements must act as divine inimitable by humans Visual Codes themselves – communicating information on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions of meaning.


High practical value

- Each piece of information must be practically useful.


A special message for the generation of the time of the end

- The system must be developed so that it sends some information to all generations but for the generation of the time of the end it must have some exclusive message that can be understood only by the people of this generation and it must be of great practical value.


Information corresponds to the purposes of God

- All information must correspond to the purposes of the Author of the Bible and of the Great Image: to bring glory to God and to save people created in His image from falling victims to deception causing sufferings to them in this world and much greater sufferings in eternity through separation from the Creator.



- It must get multidimensional as the final testimony and the most important message of all. (Of all the shocks that the Creator prepared for us with the discovery of the Visual Codes this one is, perhaps, the greatest. This information will be released in Book II.)


Dovetail with the information encoded in chemical elements IN A MULTIDIMENSIONAL WAY

- All of the divine characteristics and messages of the Great Image must match the information encoded in chemical elements. This requires showing multiple charts, calculations, tests and other data found in the research. This information is already available in Book I part 1.


There is hardly an adequate word to describe how powerful this testimony is. Our entire history had been measured in advance. Every motion of every atom in the universe is controlled by the Creator. Our history and planet are the malleable material for His artwork. What can any person having a shred of freedom of thought left be waiting for to repent and be protected from the wrath of the Creator of the heaven and the earth?


Visual Codes and the Great Image demonstrate perfect unity of the Old Testament with the New Testament

- The Great Image must integrate with the entire prophetic system of Old Testament and of the New Testament AND BRING THEM TOGETHER AS A ONE INDIVISIBLE WHOLE. This information is demonstrated by the Great Image as graphically and as conclusively as, apparently, by no other discovery in history. We are going to see and marvel at it right here and now.


Harmony with bigger Visual Codes

- It must be in ideal harmony with multiple other and much bigger Visual Codes. (This fact is demonstrated by ALL the books of the series The Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible. And according to the principle that was not developed by the books’ author either: each part brings bigger and more astonishing revelations to the world than the previous one.)


Combined message

- All of the Visual Codes must send a combined message needed to be received today. The end-time revelation of the Great Image of Daniel is going to demonstrate to us now how this works in practice.


Of course, this wonderous artwork of God has many more unrepeatable superhuman characteristics that we decode and describe piece by piece. But even this list is already sufficient to let people realize the scale and the consequences of the miracles that the Living God started performing for our generation.


Now, prepare yourself to come face to face with the same Great Image that the Lord of hosts Sabaoth showed to king Nebuchadnezzar and to Prophet Daniel 2623 years ago. It is this very image that He is revealing to you and me living today. Its form must literally be terrible in every sense of the word.


Let us simply assemble the precise maps in the precise order indicated in the Bible and with the exact biblical colors.



The End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel


1. Profile of the Terrible Great Image of Daniel black and white.

2. Color version.
3. Anthropomorphic characteristics and proportions.
4. Anthropomorphic characteristics in color.


All images are copyrighted with the U.S. Copyright Office. ©  2019 Serge Dieudonné,  All rights reserved.

For personal non-commercial use only.

What is it that we are witnessing with our own eyes?

Isn’t it terrifying and awesome admiration inspiring how this silhouette repeats the famous representation of the Great Image accurately painted by an artist and already seen in Bible-study resources worldwide? But do you fully realize what THIS artwork is made of? -Doesn’t it send shivers down the spine to think that there is an Artist Who has the supreme knowledge and the infinite power to use our TIME and gigantic SPACE as malleable material for His artwork? The Artist Who sees the past, present and future simultaneously and knows the end from the beginning? And uses this cosmic artwork to illustrate the warnings made in His written Word thousands of years in advance?!


What is his name? Ancient shepherds dead and gone or the Living Almighty God?

If you haven’t done it yet, give glory to Him now, because soon He is going to show you the final destiny of this Great Image painted the way not one artist in the universe will ever be able to imitate – from the beginning of time to its end. And the destiny of this image - together with all the enemies of the Living God - is more terrible than words can express.


Before we proceed to witnessing the final destiny of this image and an even more fear-inspiring wonder of God, let us make an extremely important point.



Immediate test and a much more amazing miracle


Dear Friend, if indeed you and I are the eyewitnesses of a genuine full-scale end-time miracle created for us by the Author of our lives, world and history, then do you know what must happen next to this first miracle He has just shown us? -Right now, in a few moments’ time, we absolutely and unconditionally must witness another - much greater miracle! It must be so great that it must bring many people world-wide who witness it to immediate irrevocable repentance if they lived as enemies of their Creator. It must give them the precious cure from all possible delusions, restore to them the fullness of life, joy, hope and help them to start their lasting beautiful relationship with their Loving Creator. Or to repair this relationship if it was damaged by insane officially sustained delusions.


Do you realize that this image unquestionably has two versions? The Bible tells us about it in plain unambiguous language. And here's a fact that should not escape your attention. While in our entire universe there wouldn’t be enough statistical chances to create by coincidence just the first version of this image – respecting the totality of biblical conditions – to spontaneously form both of its versions even the chances in two universes would not suffice. Yet we don’t have a second universe. But we do have two fully biblical versions of the Great Image that its Almighty Artist is about to show us in a stunning end-time revelation. Let us read about it directly from His Word.


For maximum clarity I will cite this verse in the KJV translation and in the modern translation called Literal Translation of the Holy Bible. Here is young Prophet Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to the king:

Dan 2:34 KJV Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

Dan 2:34 LITV You continued until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them to pieces.


The prophecy is explicitly describing not a static image but a motion picture, isn’t it? It tells us about a first fully formed image and then about the appearance of a stone that struck the image on its feet. Did you notice that?


Accordingly, there must be two moments:

1. When the image is fully formed – as we have just seen.

2. When the stone appears and starts breaking the image in pieces.


We can only see the illustration of the BEGINNING of the process of breaking the image in pieces, not the result. Because the result described in the Bible – in a number of verses - is the human government ground to powder and carried away by the wind. No more Visual Codes are needed to illustrate it and no more possibility to repent and be cured for those who are broken in pieces together with the human government and its religion and forever separated from the source of light and life – the Creator.


If indeed this is the artwork of the Almighty God, then of all possible events and moments in history it must CLEARLY show us this particular moment – of the stone striking the image on its feet and beginning to break the image in pieces. But since it IS INDEED the artwork of the Almighty God, it shows us not only this information but also an inconceivable, unimaginable amount of other information contained in the prophecies. It tells us about the prehistory of the great image – teaching lessons to us living today. Not only entertaining us with the greatest show on earth but transforming our lives, bringing them in harmony with the supreme wisdom of the Creator. It tells us about its development, about the psychological, political, religious prerequisites that made its development possible, explains the events we are witnessing TODAY and tells us what we must face in the NEAR FUTURE. And helps us to protect ourselves, our loved ones and as many people as possible during these events by turning to the source of eternal security and peace – our Loving Creator. If you consider the amount of information this image sends, it must also beat by far any human piece of artwork ever created. Divine artwork surpasses human artwork according to all possible criteria. That’s why it takes a series of books to thoroughly describe them all for the Readers.


God gives the world a possibility to test His artwork according to His rules

Since the end-time revelation of the Great Image of Daniel and of the Visual Codes of the Bible is an event of such global importance and consequences that it concerns EVERY person living on earth, the Author of the Bible and history must absolutely give the world a sign confirming that this is from Him and not from any man’s intelligence. Such a historical revelation from the Almighty God must come with the supreme authority and testimony of the Almighty God. Does the Reader agree with me? If you and I realize it, how much better should the Author of the Great Image and of the Bible realize that?


As the Creator is releasing to humanity His divine decipher key to biblical end-time prophecies, He does it in full conformance with His own commandments given in His Word. He commands all men to test all spiritually significant things before accepting them. And He makes a special emphasis on prophecies by giving this rule right after commanding men not to despise them:

1Th 5:20 KJV Despise not prophesyings.

1Th 5:21 KJV Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


1Th 5:20 LITV Do not despise prophecies.

1Th 5:21 LITV Test all things, hold fast the good.


That’s why He immediately introduces to His cosmic divine artwork a cosmic divine test. It is as unique per our universe and history as all the characteristics of His Visual Codes.


How many possible subjects on all existing pieces of artwork are there in the world? -A strange question, you might say. Their number is astronomically infinite. And that’s the very point!


But how many outcomes of all the biblical end-time prophecies are there in the Bible? Those who have ever studied it know the correct answer beyond a shadow of a doubt: just one and only. And do you remember what it is? -It is the culmination of Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image, of all end-time prophecies and of the entire history of human government that insanely opposed the Creator. The Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God is to destroy the human government hostile to the Creator and to establish His perfect rule.


This culminating moment of history is described in many end-time prophecies, including Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image, of course:

Dan 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.


This is the divine illustration of the same moment of which other prophecies say:

Psa 118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Psa 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


Who is this Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God? -Let the Bible interpret the Bible:

Act 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. (Also Eph 2:20-22.)


And this Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God personally gave explanations that there were two stages of the fulfillment of the prophecy about Him:

1. people would fall on this stone by rejecting Him.

2. He would fall on those who reject Him and grind them to powder.


The ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy was still in the future.

Mat 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Mat 21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.


This is the very moment of grinding to powder of the human government that Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image is pointing to:

Dan 2:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

Dan 2:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.


Pay attention: it is not by accident that the Scriptures emphasize that this Stone of the Kingdom of God is precious (Isa 28:16, 1Pe 2:4). This word – as well as many other words in end-time prophecies that we study– has multidimensional meaning. When Readers see how all these details are connected, and learn what awesome scientific foreknowledge is contained in them, the author of the discovery is convinced that many people will be cured of their destructive delusions and will give glory to the Living God Who created this system for our protection and salvation.


Understanding and SEEING the logic of God

Now if we understand that we are made witnesses of the all-time most large-scale miracle of the Living God Who designed this Great Image for our cure and salvation, let the Reader tell me:


- Can the artwork of the Author of the Bible and history finish by showing us just the scary picture of the human government, or must it show us some other event that all prophecies have been pointing to throughout millennia?


- If you are beginning to follow the logic of the Almighty Author of end-time prophecies and of the Great Image explained to us in the above verses, tell me in advance, what precise event – unique per our history! - must we absolutely witness the next moment when we watch another episode of end-time prophecy fulfillment illustrated by the Great Image?


- While there are trillions and trillions of possible subjects and ideas illustrated by men in their artwork, can there be any subject on this artwork of God other than the one that brings all the verses of the Bible together and shows us the final outcome of the biblical story of Creation, Fall and Redemption before the reign of God and His Christ begins?


- What precise historical moment do all the end-time prophecies and the entire Bible – the Old and the New Testament point to?


We have just read the definitive answer given us by prophecies’ Author Himself:

Psa 118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Psa 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


This is the very moment spoken about in Daniel’s prophecy of the Great Image – the end of the human government with its religion and the beginning of the reign of the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ.


All end-time prophecies of the Old and New Testament speak about the same culminating event and give the same details that we must connect together according to biblical rules. Try to identify these common details in the following verses before we discuss them:

Dan 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

1Co 15:24 Then is the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God, even the Father, when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power.

Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel trumpeted. And there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The kingdoms of the world became our Lord's, even of His Christ; and He shall reign to the ages of the ages.


Just a few details emphasized in the prophecies about this event:


- It will happen in the days of “these kings” that are many.

We are going to see some of these kings today. And the sight of them will make some people tremble with fear because all of us are living under these kings and many of us are living in these kingdoms. The research brings an overwhelming amount of evidence that this interpretation is final and there will be no other interpretation coming from the Living God. There are many, many more details though to this interpretation - explained and shown in the series of books. The sophisticated system of the Visual Codes proves and shows this to us on so many levels and in so many unimaginable ways, that any person for whom the Word of God, pure science and common sense are of authority will never question this fact again after studying all the information.


- God will destroy human kingdoms that comprise human government. That is why the Great Image has such distinct anthropomorphic (human-like) characteristics.

Did you notice how the above (as well as many other verses on the same subject) from the Old and New Testament contain the same keywords: kings, kingdoms, reign, rule, authority, power?


Annihilation of the system of godless rule based directly on the worship of Satan

God is to abolish the entire system of godless rule by godless men that base their power not on the worship of the Living God but directly on the worship of Satan. This is another key moment of the entire revelation of the Visual Codes, of all end-time prophecies and of the entire Bible – from first chapters to the last. Many people whose logic fell into the grip of satanists controlling their belief system started taking this worship “allegorically.” (Which means that God’s holy truth is perceived by them as the basest lie and the basest lies of ferocious satanists are perceived as the highest truth on which they build their entire life and eternal destiny.) But the evidence that we are about to see cries out to the world that rejecting this fundamental biblical information leads to inevitable rejection of the whole Bible and separation from God.


High-ranking satanists don’t hide evidence from their dupes – they turn them into MENTAL INVALIDS instead

More than that, high-ranking Satan worshippers themselves NEVER TRIED TO HIDE this information from the world. Just the other way around: they FLAUNT it, going out of their way to put it under the very noses of the people of the world whom they openly mock. In strict accordance with the rules of their religion - clearly explained in the Bible and studied in our books. But as the multiple discoveries of the Visual Codes of God and the deciphering of the visual codes of  Satan explain and show to us, in the time of the end satanists’ methods of deception have reached their acme: they don’t hide the information necessary to identify Satan worship and global deception from people anymore, but they destroy their logic, reason, and steal their sanity needed to analyze all information. And replace with their anti-logic and state-induced insanity. Transforming them into mental invalids - incapable of drawing relevant conclusions from the evidence found under their very noses.


Yet the forces of darkness have temporarily been given by God the power to deceive only those who knowingly choose to reject the overwhelmingly abundant evidence for the Creator and the inerrant truth of His Word and fearfully accept the state religion forced on them.


The state-controlled religion is the operating system of lies under which ALL the algorithms of deception can be run

To render you totally incapable of analyzing information – this is the main goal of all the “information” shown you by the mainstream media. But ALL the algorithms of deception can only be run under the OPERATING SYSTEM containing all the components necessary for them to start: STATE-CONTROLLED RELIGION.


Does this give you a sense of how FANTASTICALLY naïve and credulous the people are who living in the 21st century still blindly believe that the official belief system has some remote relation to “science?” And the regimes based on this religion that massacred millions of people and today are impoverishing the whole planet while imposing it are fighting for “freedom” and “scientific progress” of their victims?


That’s why these discoveries are needed so urgently. They generously provide people who are still curable with the antidote developed by their Loving God Who wants to bring them back to life. He had prepared the remedy from all the poison spread by His enemies thousands of years before their birth.


The long-awaited moment of demonstration of the supreme truth of God

Today comes the revelation of the mystery that prophecy students have been longing to learn for millennia. The long-awaited moment of demonstration of the supreme truth of God Whose every word is holy and awesome in its perfection. Encoded in the Bible, imprinted in our planet and history and soon to be accomplished.


From now on the entire planet will no longer only read about them but see them - a series of the final warnings of the Creator coming soon to judge His earth and cleanse it of the abomination of the human government and its religion. Some will be watching them with fear and trembling, others with joyful anticipation of their deliverance. All depends on their relationship with the Living God that He establishes with men through the Precious Stone of His Kingdom Jesus Christ.


An amazing opportunity for us to see what the Author of history sees from eternity

We are about to see what the Holy God sees from His throne in eternity – outside of the planet earth and where time does not exist.


It can make His enemies tremble with fear of their imminent judgement and overfill His children with joy in the anticipation of their forthcoming liberation. This is the culminating moment of the history of human government and of all our history as we know it - before the beginning of the perfect reign of Christ. The moment when the Great Image is stricken on the feet by the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ.


This moment is all the more terrible because another mystery of mysteries will begin unraveling right before our eyes: THE TIME OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN GOVERNMENT WITH ITS IDOLATROUS RELIGION AND THE BEGINNING OF THE REIGN OF CHRIST.


All forgeries declared null and void by the Living God

As the Reader may remember, in recent times, when the fulfillment of end-time prophecies began, the already monkey-worshipping media completely went ape inventing one apocalyptic forgery after another. For what “reason?” -In order to… “expose” it, of course! And to mock prophecy students who are studying the Bible that describes today’s global events more accurately than the media. Did you know that this mass-conditioning technique is unfailing in programming the population (through multiple repetition of many forgeries) to automatically reject the evidence when the biblical conditions are met?


For a case in point, remember the Y2K hoax? -For several years the media had been fanning the rumors that in the year 2000 all computers could go haywire causing the “computer apocalypse.” When it didn’t come true (like all other unbiblical myths of the media), what follow-up campaign did the same media begin? -Needless to say, it was the ridicule of the VERY IDEA of biblical end-time prophecies. Inventing with paranoid obsession more and more fakes in order to call them "apocalyptic paranoia" - that's the bait of the forces controlling the media that people rise to. Do you see again how elementary it is to deceive the biblically-ignorant people? Taking away all freedom and hope from those who do not stand on the rock-solid foundation of the Word of God is EASIER than taking candy from a baby! Guess why? -A baby would start to cry, but the hopeless victims of the media-deception PRAISE their deceivers and RIDICULE those who want to rescue them from their wretched state!


But for those who follow the rules of 1Th 5:20-21 – which includes the author of these discoveries – it took a couple of minutes to verify this hoax in advance. And to realize over and over again that we are in the presence of the ruthless monster of global deception machine. Those who spread this myth perfectly knew it was a hoax from day one. This was a powerful demonstration of the fact that the official media are controlled by satanists having strong anti-biblical agenda.


Yet no matter how many times the enemies of God tried to deceive people by inventing patent forgeries themselves and then mocking prophecy students, with THIS revelation of the Living God such a trick will no longer work. Everything His Visual Codes predict is ALREADY being fulfilled with impeccable accuracy – on multiple(!) levels.


Hereby the Living God declares all the lies of His profoundly insane enemies null and void.



The shocking revelation of the fifth empire of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel

In our books we prove and demonstrate as conclusively as it gets that the prophecy of the Great Image speaks of FIVE EMPIRES, not just FOUR. This fact is decoded and demonstrated from all possible points of view – biblical, historical, scientific and VISUAL. But today, YOU are going to be the eyewitness of how impeccably accurate and ALERTING this discovery is.


The feet of iron mixed with clay are the fifth empire transformed from the fourth one. This discovery unlocks to us unimaginable wealth of practically useful knowledge needed here and now and brings all end-time prophecies into perfect cohesion. We also explain in much detail who and why invented and propagated the anti-biblical “theories” of “allegorical” interpretation of this image that are as widespread as the make-believe “theories” of superintelligent Creation by unintelligent nothing. They both come from the same sources. Those “theories” serve only one purpose: to make it totally impossible for Bible students to understand end-time prophecies and to see their fulfillment that is already underway. If the author of the discoveries believed in those “theories” instead of following God’s perfect instructions for interpreting His Word, none of the multiple discoveries of the Visual Codes would be made a reality by him. Instead, the author would be a devout practicing believer in monkey ancestors as well as in countless other myths of the gone-ape media. For instance, that the increasingly totalitarian Orwellian society we find ourselves living in represents... the “fight for freedom and democracy!” Or in other such “theories” written in the blood of millions of people.


When we learn in our books what particular group invented those theories of misinterpretation of the Great Image and how today representatives of the same group spread ultimate blasphemies and abominations all over the world, then finally, for many people their understanding of Satan-worship in the higher levels of power will begin taking a concrete shape.


But when we also see that this group was predicted and encoded in the Bible thousands of years in advance, and in our days SHOWN us by shivers-sending Visual Codes… Then, at last, many people will also be cured of their illusions about the origins of the method of “allegorical” Scripture interpretation and about the consequences it visited upon humanity.


Those were the same forces that today are part of the human government of the greatest evil to be destroyed by the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ. They hate you and me and all people indiscriminately. And they are the bitterest enemies of God and of His children – that’s why they propagate these “theories” among those who want to escape from the end-time deception of ferocious satanists. It should not surprise the Readers that these “theories” are being forcefully propagated in some churches. This is a word-for-word fulfillment of predictions made by Christ in the first century A.D.


And here’s the information to send a genuine world-wide shock that we are going to witness in a moment: THE FIFTH EMPIRE OF THE GREAT IMAGE OF DANIEL REPRESENTS… EUROPEAN UNION! These are the feet of iron mixed with clay and we all are living during the final period of this kingdom! The research proves it as conclusively as possible, but here, we are going to witness the practical demonstration of these findings. And it is going to be a shock of the millennium. Just the first one. Soon we are to witness much bigger and more shocking revelations prepared by God for our generation. And for our generation ONLY! That’s why some of the Visual Codes could be fully decoded exclusively during the time of this fifth kingdom – and not even at all of its periods but specifically in the year 2020! The evidence that the Living God prepared for our generation is so overpowering that it will not only make a lot of God’s enemies repent of their insane rebellion, but will also stimulate many God’s children to thoroughly rethink their attitude to the Bible and to the seriousness of their relationship with God.


When all the information revealed by the Visual Codes of the Bible is released, even many of the Bible students who already knew this is the Word of God will begin to realize how greatly they underestimated the real power of the book that they are holding in their hands.


As we will start to marvel at God’s design of the final version of the Great Image – getting ripe for destruction - we will quickly understand why God chose such description for the Roman Empire and for the European Union: the legs of iron and the feet of iron mixed with clay. While the previous empires represent distinct separate parts – each having conquered the previous one – the legs and feet represent two parts of a whole. Because the fifth empire does not conquer the fourth one but is TRANSFORMED from it and is inseparably tied with it. By many ties – historical, linguistical, genetical, cultural, territorial, political and others still. But most importantly – religiously. This transformation is so immensely significant that it represents inseparable part of every single piece of news we may watch in the media today. It is only because the official news is designed as one colossal work of deception that the majority of people do not understand this fact. The size of this deception, in which every notion is false, turned upside-down and inside-out, can only be compared with the size of the Great Image whose design and decoding are based on the infallible truth of every word of God.


BECAUSE of the colossal deception – spread jointly by secular and religious politicians – God gives us the revelation of the Visual Codes in such a way that it enables everyone who has the wisdom of God and His spirit to VERIFY and find out with 100% certainty that this is not from man. It is given us not with sheer declarations. But with the power and evidence testifying of the authority of the Creator behind each separate element of the system of the Visual Codes. As for the entire unified system of the Visual Codes, its authorship couldn’t be clearer. It is so sophisticated and information-rich that even a reasonable child should be able to figure out that this is something beyond the reach of all modern scientists. No one has any power or knowledge to “refute” the system of the Visual Codes with facts – by creating an alternative version matching the Bible, science and history. One can either accept them and be protected and saved or reject them, plunge into the officially sustained insanity and be destroyed.


The terrifying religious connection between the Roman Empire and the European Union – particularly by the medium of the Holy Roman Empire - is explained by a whole series of major discoveries made possible by the Visual Codes of the Bible. They not only explain God’s lessons of history but show them to us. In advance. Irrevocably and indisputably. With such powerful evidence that for any man it is futile to even think of a possibility to develop anything remotely similar by using human knowledge and technologies.


Those who carefully study this information – shown us directly by the Author of history – will too be transformed by this knowledge. Their lives will never be the same. Armed with the wisdom of God and empowered by Him to start living according to His perfect rules, never again will they allow the forces controlling the media to deceive them and steal from them the most precious things in life together with eternal life itself.


The culminating moment of the history of the human government

Finally, we are ready to see and understand the culminating moment of the history of the human government that in God’s eternal plan has already come. He is showing it to us from His Holy throne outside our planet where time does not exist. As revealed to us by the system of the Visual Codes of the Bible, the European Union is the last stage of the human government and its idolatrous religion on earth before their annihilation by the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ. During the time of this kingdom ALL the remaining prophesied events are to be accomplished and their accomplishment is already underway.

All we have to do now is add the map of the decoded fifth kingdom of the Great Image – the European Union – to the fourth one – the Roman Empire. There is only one way to do it – by aligning the identical parts that give us an excellent visual representation of feet. And be amazed and terrified by the message of this artwork of the Supreme Artist in the universe:



The Great Image of Daniel with the Stone of the Kingdom of God striking the image on its feet of iron mixed with clay


The all time greatest motion picture on the planet earth made by God


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This defies anything human authors could have imagined and many people could ever believe, but what is this image showing to us now?!

-Not only do we see a stone striking the image precisely on its feet as prophesied in the Bible, we can now see a foot being crushed! And which foot is it? – The one stricken by the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ!


Of all the myriads of subjects that could be illustrated by an artwork, this image paints not just a static picture but a MOTION PICTURE of the most important event in history that the entire divine plan of Creation, Fall and Redemption had been pointing to! We are no longer simply hearing about this. YOU and I are the EYEWITNESSES of how impeccably accurate this illustration is. To make the shock stronger still, this is NOT the last episode painted by the DIVINE MOTION PICTURE of the Great Image accurately illustrating Nebuchadnezzar's dream interpreted in the prophecy of Daniel!


And do you remember what spine-shivering material this motion picture is made of? Are you keeping in mind that Babylon, Persia and Greece are explicitly declared in the Bible while Rome had long been decoded and known to the whole planet so there is zero possibility for any man to assemble this image out of anything else? Are you aware of the fact that there exists only ONE biblically correct way to position these maps as established by the research? And there are no other countries in history whose maps can create this motion picture - no matter how you position them. Still more stunning part of this discovery is that this image, as well as EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Visual Codes of the Bible, is decoded following God's rules and indications given in His Word literally - word-for-word and letter-for-letter. In supreme consistency all throughout the research. These rules leave no possibility for any man to do any bogus interpretations of God's artwork that was to be revealed once per history.

Yet, this is NOT NEARLY half of the definitive evidence that God started releasing to the world before coming to judge it.


Now are you beginning to really comprehend how serious the events taking place in our full sight are?


This is the historic moment of truth unprecedented in all time of the Creation: the fulfillment of God’s end-time prophecies is being demonstrated before our very eyes word-for-word the way no one could ever think of:

This image created by the Almighty God impeccably illustrates the fulfillment of an inconceivable number of biblical end-time prophecies and brings them all together to give us soon the all-time most astonishing revelation! Here is just some of the visual and prophetic information shown and explained by the Great Image in combination with other Visual Codes as was decoded and demonstrated by the research:


- The stone strikes precisely on the feet – not on any other part.


- We can see a foot beginning to crumble away.


- The crumbling foot is the same one stricken by the stone.


- A look at the map is enough to discover with astonishment that this image fulfills every prediction of the prophecy of Dan 2:45 verbatim: "Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands..."

   -- This stone is LITERALLY cut out of the MOUNTAIN (check out the map of Scandinavia);

   -- literally "without hands;"

   -- literally "cut out" as it separates part of the mountain to paint the image of the stone visually and prophetically.


- The stone strikes precisely during the time of the European Union and precisely DURING THE PERIOD of the European Union indicated by end-time prophecies with their Visual Codes!

The fifth empire shown to us by the Great Image has been identified as the European Union by the whole system of end-time prophecies containing Visual Codes - with so many elements, that are so uncompromisingly superhuman, that there remains no possibility to even begin considering an alternative version. There is none.


- The Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God destroys the entire system of human government with its deceptive belief system. Of all the possible places on earth, this stone - with the highest precision! - strikes on the only one that illustrates a great number of prophecies and dovetails with a series of  Visual Codes telling  us about and showing us the formation of this system! It would be impossible to comprehend how it can do this if we did not know already who the Author of the Great Image is!


- This human government that is ripening for destruction is very soon to become global.


- It is run by atrocious occultists through their deceptive religion that torments the inhabitants of the earth, fills the planet with its abominations and destroys the lives and souls of billions of people.


- The Great Image of Daniel’s prophecy together with the system of cosmic Visual Codes of the Bible:


-- shows us modern countries,

-- explains historical, political events of the past, present and future,

-- tells us the story of the formation of the one-world government based on ungodly religion that ends up as one-world religion of the Antichrist,

-- informs us about the methods of SUPREME deception of the forces of evil in high places,

-- arms us with unique urgently needed knowledge protecting our sanity, lives, souls, those of our loved ones and of as many people as we may reach.


It is exclusively the supreme official deception that the Visual Codes heal us from that prevents so many people who do not have courage and willpower from repenting and giving glory to the Almighty Creator. There isn’t one fact in the entire universe in all of our history testifying that they shouldn’t do so. It is only Nonexistent Nothing into whose worship satanists scare their weak fearful victims that opposes this necessary resolution. It makes all other forms of idolatry possible despite the immense knowledge accumulated in the 21st century.


The methods of deception used by enemies of God that the system of the Visual Codes together with the Great Image explains to us are as unimaginable to the majority of people as this artwork of the Creator. To double the already astronomically tremendous impossibility of any coincidence for this image and for the Visual Codes, the divine system reveals to us the opposing system of lies of the forces of evil.


But most importantly, provides us with practically useful information serving as divine antidote against the lethal poison poured out on us by the forces of evil controlling the mainstream media.


Don’t even try to imagine how the divinely developed Great Image together with all the Visual Codes of the Bible can do all this. Human imagination is incapable to even invent such an idea – leave alone realize it the way God’s Visual Codes do.


At this point all reasonable people for whom God’s Word is of authority should already understand we are dealing with a product of Supreme Intelligence that can effortlessly fulfill all these conditions and add to them many more raising the complexity and the awesome perfection of the system of the Visual Codes to an even higher level than we can describe here.


If you take all intelligence of all men combined and multiply it by a million, it would still be ridiculously inadequate to design and realize such a system fulfilling all the conditions fulfilled by the Visual Codes of God. Because they demonstrate to the entire planet what it is like to follow the supreme multidimensional truth of the Holy Word of the Almighty God literally – word for word. As He intended from the very beginning.


The interpretation of God’s Word according to His rules has shown us a miraculous preview of history’s greatest miracle that is to be accomplished in the lifetime of our generation:

Psa 118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Psa 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


We are made sure that this is verbatim the LORD'S doing, this is supremely marvelous, and it is precisely in our eyes – we can see ourselves this miracle of God demonstrated to us by His Visual Codes.


The seals from the prophecies about the time of the end are removed before our very eyes and the end-time events leading to the Second Coming of Christ are irrevocably unleashed

The end-time revelation of the great image of Daniel to the world has the effect of removing seals from the prophecies of the time of the end in our full view.


The meaning of these things was sealed till the time of the end as the angel declared to Prophet Daniel:

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.


In verbatim fulfillment of the prophecy, its ultimate interpretation is being revealed in the times when “the knowledge is increased” and many literally “run to and fro” as never before, the original word for which means “by implication to travel” (Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, #H7751). Because this prophecy is fulfilled with infallible accuracy – like every other prophecy of the Bible – the knowledge has indeed increased and everyone can verify that this miracle of God and, therefore, His warnings are genuine. Until the 16th century – when modern principles of map projection were invented by the Flemish geographer Mercator – people would not have the possibility to verify even the first version of the Great Image. Could anybody on earth verify its second version? Because of lack of knowledge, many people fell easy prey to the deception of some religious leaders interpreting the Word of God “allegorically.” (The copyright to the method of “allegorical” interpretation of the Bible – and of its Great Image - belongs to world’s most dangerous and well-known satanists as they tell us themselves unabashedly and in plain language. We cite this information in our books. But they are the ones who destroy people's ability to draw relevant conclusions from the information available to them - even in plain language.) Today, people can fall victim to the deception of religious and political leaders - using this same method - for only one reason: they do not want to seek the truth and do not want to verify facts.


Prophet Daniel did not know himself the final meaning of the magnificent prophecies given to him by God. Here are the words of Prophet Daniel and the answer given to him by God’s angel:

Dan 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

Dan 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Dan 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.


Daniel's prophecies were to be unsealed in the time of the end. Before telling this to Daniel the angel swore by the Eternal God that all this is true and that 3,5 periods of time were to elapse before the accomplishment of all these wonders:

Dan 12:6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.


And did you know that the Visual Codes of the Bible together with God’s method of interpretation of His Word also unravel to us the mystery of a time, times and a half time? The way NO HUMAN MIND IN HISTORY had the capacity to imagine? The revelation of this mystery immediately stops ALL the disputes about the origin of our time and space - that the Visual Codes are made of - dead in their tracks! It matches the existing prophetic knowledge and takes it much further. Did you know that it is revealed on several fully correlated interconnected levels, in accordance with the principle of multidimensional truth of God made visible by the Visual Codes? But could anybody on earth ever imagine that the moment would come when the Eternal God Who announced this mystery to Daniel would not only unravel but SHOW it to the entire planet? And not this mystery alone but together with showing us our TIME the way the Most High God sees it - in the unreservedly shocking watershed revelation of the Visual Codes?!


After the world witnesses THIS evidence, either people will unconditionally repent and be saved and glorified with the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ or go into undisguised rebellion and be destroyed by Him. But till their destruction comes they will no longer be able to even invent an insane “theory” explaining ALL these divine miracles away. The power of this testimony that God is about to release to the world has no precedence in modern history.


The mystery of God and the mystery of iniquity are being revealed in full sight of our planet

Is there anybody out there who still wants to joke about any mortal man’s being able to invent all these things? And encode them in the Bible?! And imprint in our planet and history?! From now on, such jokes are over. The mystery of God and the mystery of iniquity are being revealed in full sight of our planet. The mystery of God is revealed with the beautiful awesome multidimensional truth of God. But the mystery of iniquity is revealed with abominable lethal multidimensional lies of Satan and his servants.


No more jokes of pseudoscientific “theories” or other types of self-deceiving idolatry. The choice is becoming open. Either a person chooses the multidimensional truth of God, repentance and glory in the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ or abominable lies, rebellion and eternal suffering with God’s enemies. No third option is available.



The earthshaking consequences of end-time revelation of the Great Image of Daniel

Dear Friend, what you and I have witnessed today was no ordinary event. It was scheduled to take place only once per our history on the entire planet. Today our Creator has shown us the long-awaited end-time revelation of the Great Image of Daniel. We have also witnessed the superhuman testimony of the Lord of hosts Sabaoth that this image is His creation and no man in the universe - in all time - is capable of forging it. But do you fully understand what earthshaking consequences this event brings about?


In accordance with the words of God’s angel who swore by the Eternal God, this signifies the following: right before our eyes THE HOLY GOD OF THE BIBLE HAS BEGUN REMOVING SEALS FROM HIS PROPHECIES OF THE TIME OF THE END.


From now on, biblical end-time prophecies will be unraveling before us one after another as the Visual Codes of the Bible represent a genuine superhuman prophecy decipher key kept by the Author of end time prophecies for our generation. As the seals from millennia-old mysteries are being removed in our sight with superhuman divine power and testimony, this sends a message to the entire population of the planet of earth: the final phase of end time events is irreversibly unleashed by history’s Author. The time of the end is here and now!


The whole planet can now marvel at the cosmic artwork of the Creator of all universe showing us the approaching culmination of history of the human government: the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ breaking in pieces His insane enemies.


And in the lifetime of this very generation the whole planet will be watching again the Stone of the Kingdom of God grind to powder the human government of the Antichrist and its abominable religion. At that moment, the final part of the prophecy of the Stone of the Kingdom of God announced personally by Jesus is to be fulfilled. And the discoveries made possible by God’s visual decipher keyHis Visual Codes – explain and show us that moment in advance. It is in absolute harmony with the Bible, but not the way anybody could imagine or guess. The works of God are truly marvelous and now it is truly in our eyes.


The miracles of God are marvelous for His children but not for His enemies

But for those who learn no lessons from the preview of this event, when the event itself comes, it will no longer be marvelous. The prophecies of the time of the end make it crystal clear: this will be the horror having no matches in history. Of the helpless men, who voluntarily chose deception in place of glory, face to face with the burning unquenchable wrath of their Almighty Creator Who came to judge them.


We have seen not the result but the process of grinding to powder of the human government and its false religion

Pay attention again: right now, what God is showing us is not the result of the destruction of human government by the Stone of the Kingdom of God but the BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS. In the result, the human government is ground to powder and carried away by the wind (Dan 2:35, Mat 21:44). It became literal nothing like was the religion on which those ill-fated kings thought they could base their rule and rebellion against the Creator without end.


That’s why we are seeing the foot hit by the stone beginning to crumble away. In the series of books describing this and other pieces of marvelous artwork of the Almighty Creator, we observe the process of grinding to powder of the human government in much detail. This graphically demonstrates to us a difficult to believe number of biblical end-time prophecies fulfilled literally and illustrated by this image in advance. It is designed in such a superintelligent way that each element unravels to us prophetic mysteries, incorporates them into the unified system of end-time prophecies with multiple Visual Codes and teaches us urgent practical lessons needed by humanity right here and right now.


This image is so perfect in its harmony with biblical, historical, scientific data as well as with other Visual Codes, so superintelligently designed, so information-rich and practically important, that any idea that such an image could be developed by a human mind is of the depth of insanity comparable only with the belief in unintelligent nothing in place of the Omniscient Creator. But when we see that this image contains scientific foreknowledge thousands of years in advance, it is the hope and conviction of the author of the discovery that even some of the hard cases of the evolutionary or other type of idolatrous insanity will be cured by this end-time testimony.


If only they still have a tiny spark of freedom of thought left to realize that all human minds and all modern (not to mention ancient) technologies combined are ridiculously inadequate to even start thinking about the possibility of developing such a system.


These properties of the Great Image and of the Visual Codes represent the superhuman inimitable signature of the Almighty God that precludes all men from forging His artwork and messages. This signature has multiple dimensions and characteristics. But the two stand out especially well:


1. Every message coming from God is in 100% conformity with the Word of God

Any message that God sends to humanity must not simply be in line with His Word, but in 100% absolute harmony. This is the only degree of harmony that any messages coming from God can have with the Word of the same God. That’s why we overemphasize it in the books as well as on this site that it is the method of decoding treating the Word of God as the Word of God that made this discovery a reality. It is as important and as revealing as all the discoveries themselves.


2. There exists no way to imitate the knowledge and the power of God

God’s knowledge and technologies cannot be challenged by men. The minimum requirement for designing and implementing the Great Image of Daniel is possessing the know-how necessary to create a second planet of earth. But that’s still an oversimplification. When you think seriously – about the energy and knowledge necessary to create the matter for the planet earth and all the conditions making life on it possible – you quickly come to a bigger list of specifications. Technologies necessary to create the entire universe and all life in it – this is the complete requirement.


The Great Image is taken from the Bible and its interpretation is the quotation of the words of God Who interpreted it Himself


Let everybody who watches this marvel of God be reminded that the author of the discovery acted as a mere decoder and has ZERO influence on the Visual Codes themselves. This image is taken from the Bible and its interpretation is the quotation of the words of God Who interpreted it Himself. That’s why its messages have the highest authority in the universe and in all history: of the Author of our universe and history.


To let all the wise of Dan 12:10 having the wisdom of God recognize His signature beyond a shadow of doubt, the Author of the Bible and of the Great Image provided a big list of other inimitable characteristics of this image as well as of other Visual Codes. Some of them are found below, more are listed here: Key Points of the Discovery and still more are demonstrated in the series of books The Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible.


Seamless integration with still bigger Visual Codes

- This already overwhelmingly impressive Great Image integrates with still bigger and more impressive Visual Codes that no one except the Living God could design, encode in the Bible and implement.


Great Image dovetails with the entire prophetic system

- It dovetails with the entire sophisticated system of End Time Visual Codes of the Bible and of all end-time prophecies.


Graphically demonstrates that the Old Testament and the New Testament represent one indivisible whole

- For the first time in history the Great Image together with other Visual Codes graphically and ultimately demonstrates to the world that the Old Testament and the New Testament represent one integral indivisible Word of God.


Messages of the Great Image and of the Visual Codes save physical lives

- And this demonstration of the integrity of the two parts of the Bible is by no means theoretical! God in His fatherly love for all people, and particularly, for the people of Israel, sends them invaluable messages saving both souls and physical lives of everyone who accepts them.


- The messages of the end-time prophecies unraveled by the Visual Codes save physical lives of people in other parts of the globe concerned by their predictions.


Dates of Daniel are reconciled by the Visual Codes and by God’s method of interpretation of the Bible

- This marvelous revelation acts as an infallible genuine decipher key to end-time prophecies that people have been looking to for millennia. At last, for the first time in history, it allows us to reconcile the dates of Daniel putting an end to all futile controversies and demonstrating the supreme knowledge and care for people of the Author of the Bible.


Reconstruction of end-time chronology

- The Great Image and the Visual Codes allow us – also for the first time in history – to reconstruct end-time chronology. And it will save physical lives not only in Israel but also in other parts of the world concerned by the predictions.


Many biblical doctrines connected with the end-time plan of God are unraveled

- The discoveries brought to us by the Visual Codes of the Bible do not create any new doctrines but ultimately unravel to us the meaning of a large number of biblical doctrines connected with the end-time plan of God.


The divine system contains multiple protection mechanisms that can be compared to human checksum algorithms verifying file integrity and protecting it from modification

- Not one bit of information can be arbitrarily changed in this unified system without immediately breaking the integrity of the whole system. As soon as one begins interpreting at least one element “allegorically” – based on fantasies in place of exact instructions of God, one can only receive their own fantasies. None of the miracles of God is revealed. When the most shocking revelation of the Visual Codes is released to the world, the Readers will fully understand what we mean by this.


High practical value

- All the information serves practical purposes coherent with the purposes of God:

1. To bring glory to Him.

2. To save as many people as possible from His wrath coming on all those who fell prey to the deception of His enemies.

3. To let the maximum number of people be glorified with their Creator as His sons and daughters by observing His rules.



The divine system of multidimensional truth alerts us to the opposing system of multidimensional lies of satanists controlling human governments and gives us unique protection from it

- This information serves to expose – really massively! – the deception in the higher levels of power controlled by confirmed worshippers of Satan. This knowledge should free a number of people from various kinds of lethally-toxic delusions officially forced on them. Not only it demonstrates and explains the workings of the insanity of the pseudo-scientific official belief system, but it equally demonstrates the profound occult madness of the political system based entirely on the false belief system and existing only as long as the belief system exists.


That in the 21st century the majority of people are still not fully aware of the monumental fact that the official belief of the secular religion aka evolution has as much to do with science as its ancient Egyptian prototype - the religion of pharaohs - represents a real miracle. But this is a miracle of highly active and toxic demonic deception predicted in the end-time prophecies of the Bible and unraveled by the Visual Codes. This series of books thoroughly disabuses the Reader from both types of fraud: 1) the religious fraud and 2) the political one, fully based on the first type.


Can there still be someone suffering from the delusion that the author of the discovery of the Visual Codes  - one guy with a laptop(!) – invented this cosmic superintelligent system, encoded it in the Bible, imprinted in our planet and history and connected with the present and future events adding scientific foreknowledge to them? The author of the discovery himself never suffered from any such delusion for one second.


Biblical prophecies unraveled and illustrated by the Great Image tell us unmistakably Who is performing these miracles of whose outcome the Visual Codes of the Bible give us a preview:

Psa 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


Today the preview of this prophecy is accomplished literally: this is indeed the Lord’s doing, this is supremely marvelous and literally in our eyes – we can see this image with our eyes! This is an all-time most powerful sign from God – with an overwhelming amount of detailed information! – that this culminating event of history is to take place in the lifetime of this particular generation and none other!


Just as the preview of the culminating events given us by the Visual Codes works as literal, word-for-word, illustration of end-time prophecies, so will their accomplishment take place following the biblical account to a letter.


When we see all of the discoveries brought to us by the Visual Codes of the Bible, humanity is to realize deeper than ever that our history represents error-free execution of the divine algorithm encoded by the Supreme Programmer in His Word. This algorithm must execute until the last bit of encoded information has finished its task.


Why the final discoveries of the Visual Codes are called watershed revelation

What the author of these discoveries finds especially astonishing about this system is the final revelations of the Great Image together with other Visual Codes described in Book II.


When this awesome image, integrated with still more awe-inspiring ones, gets MULTIDIMENSIONAL – the way no human author could conceive – and gives us shivers-sending INFORMATION protected from any modification, it will become useless to even try to invent an insane “theory” to explain this magnificent manifestation of the power of God away. This testimony is so definitive that those who reject it will no longer be able to hide behind any myths renamed to theories. They will demonstrate to the world the predicted open end-time rebellion against the Living God and go into their destruction that they chose in place of repentance and glory.


Today, you and I are beginning to witness the direct revelation of the mentality of the Living God Who sends us a number of urgent messages. His artwork communicates information in every dimension, in 100% coherence with the Bible and visually demonstrating millennia-old mysteries of God. But the information it sends is so utterly shocking and fearsome that there is no word to describe it. For all these reasons I called this event watershed revelation.


The Living words of the Living God to the living generation

Read again the verse whose divine illustration we have just witnessed:

Dan 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.


In order to understand it better compare it with a modern translation:

Dan 2:45 LITV Because you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold in pieces. The great God has made known to the king what shall occur after this. And the dream is certain, and the meaning of it is trustworthy.


Guarantee given by the Most High God

Did it attract your attention that the Most High God puts a conditional statement in the first half of the verse? -BECAUSE you SAW what happened, this signifies that the Great God has made known to you what will occur after this. Seeing this event serves as a guarantee given by the Great God that the event will take place.


Today, you and I have been the eyewitnesses of how accurately the Most High God painted for our generation - and for our generation only! - the fulfillment of the first half of the verse showing us Nebuchadnezzar's dream. THEREFORE - in accordance with God's logic - and especially after we add to this the totality of the evidence that has already been decoded by the Visual Codes, we MUST apply to the PRESENT GENERATION - the only one in history that fulfilled the condition - the second half of the verse:


The Great God has made known to us what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure!


And here's an additional, beautiful message of this verse to those who learn God's lessons correctly and establish or strengthen the relationship with Him through the Precious Stone of the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ. The Great God Who announced this majestic prophecy to the king, also addresses them literally as "kings" because that's the exact title He awards to them:


Rev 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.


Free choice between two types of divine cure: bringing glory or bringing suffering

If some people are not cured of their delusions by the present powerful testimony of God, nor by the subsequent astounding revelations given by the Visual Codes and by their fulfillment(!) right in our sight, nor by the last warnings of God before their rejection becomes irreversible, then only one cure will be left for them. They will be completely cured of their delusions and rebellion when their destruction comes, and perpetual suffering becomes the only objective reality they will ever know from that moment on.


They saw a series of God’s amazing final warnings, they had every possibility to repent and be saved, but they chose miserable humiliating deception in place of sublime multidimensional truth of God and glory with Him. They must receive its inevitable fruits.


The reminder about the principle of supreme divine justice

This majestic revelation given us by God also reminds everyone of the principle of supreme justice developed by Him: the lawbreaker is given the right to choose in advance whether the judge will condemn or glorify him. No human justice can compare with this superhuman principle, just like no artwork of men can compare with the artwork of the Creator of all men.


Scientific, biblical and historical evidence
for the
authenticity of the discovery of the Great Image of Daniel:
the deciphering of the
precise meaning of the metals of the Great Image



Don't miss the article:

Understanding the preprogrammed reaction of the mainstream media to every revelation given by the Living God: Introduction to the “antiscientific-religious-and-stupid” state-controlled terrorism



Check out the availability of the books of the series and more information about the Amazing Discovery of the Visual Codes in the Bible on the official site of the Visual Codes



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The Earth-shattering End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel:
See the exact image shown to King Nebuchadnezzar and to Prophet Daniel!

Official website of the Amazing Discovery of the End-time Visual Codes in the Bible

Official Site of the End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel

The End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image seen by King Nebuchadnezzar and Prophet Daniel

Divine artwork made of our past, present and future

Divine artwork made of our past, present and future

Divine artwork made of our past, present and future

Website design by Serge Dieudonné. All rights reserved.


The End-time Revelation
of the
Great Image

of the Book of Daniel:

The exact image

seen in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar

and interpreted by Prophet Daniel

Tablet  Layout  Site Version

End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image seen in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar interpreted by Prophet Daniel

All images are copyrighted with the U.S. Copyright Office.

©  2019 Serge Dieudonné,  All rights reserved.

For personal non-commercial use only.

Official website of the Amazing Discovery
of the
End-time Visual Codes in the Bible

The End-time Revelation
of the
Great Image

of the Book of Daniel:

The exact image seen in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar

and interpreted by Prophet Daniel


Mobile Layout Site Version

End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image seen in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar interpreted by Prophet Daniel

All images are copyrighted with the U.S. Copyright Office.

©  2019 Serge Dieudonné,

All rights reserved.

For personal non-commercial use only.

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colleagues, friends and loved ones:

The Earth-shattering End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: See the exact image shown to King Nebuchadnezzar and to Prophet Daniel!

Official website of the Amazing Discovery of the End-time Visual Codes in the Bible

Official Site of the End-time Revelation of the
Great Image of the Book of Daniel

The End-time Revelation of the Great Image of the Book of Daniel: The exact image seen by King Nebuchadnezzar and Prophet Daniel

Divine artwork made of our

past, present and future

Divine artwork made of our

past, present and future

Divine artwork made of our

past, present and future